Monday, July 29, 2013

Susan Burgess Crandall

Susan Burgess Crandall

by Susan Burgess Crandall secretary of Relief Society of Second District Payson Ward, Utah, Count Utah
                                                                February 3, 1881

I am the daughter of Horace and Almira Burgess.  I was born Oct. 5, 1846 at Winter Quarters then Indian Territory (now Nebraska).  My mother came with the children to Utah in 1846.  My father expected to come the next year but died with the cholera in the state of Iowa June 17, 1849.  I was baptized when eight years old.  I have two brothers (vis) Hyrum and George.  In the year 1856 there was a famine in Utah caused by the crickets.  During the scarcity food was very scarce.  I didn’t taste bread for near three weeks at one time.  I seen my mother divide the last teacup of flour with a sick woman and the Saints all with few exceptions divided to the last.  They enjoyed the Spirit of God. 

In 1856-7 the authorities called for all the Saints in Utah to have a reformation and be rebaptized.  I was then rebaptized.  In 1857 a crusade was sent against the church under the command of one General Johnson by order of the U.S. Government.  But they were not permitted by the saints to come in the Valley until the spring of 1858 by treaty that they should quarter no less than forty miles from Salt Lake City.  And during their march through Salt Lake City and valley the women and children was moved south until fall when they returned to their homes.  I was married Jan 6, 1860 to Jacob Crandall in G.S.L. City.  June 2, 1860 me with my husband received our patriarchal blessings under the hand of Samuel Alger patriarch.
April 27, 1862 our first child a son was born.  I called his name Jacob after his father.  That fall we were called to the Southern Mission and in 1865 came back to G.S.L.  City.  Feb 2, 1867 we had another son born.  I called his name Edward the next Sept. he took the whooping cough died Oct 10, 1867 which made me feel very lonely.
 My mother died in S.L. City March 8, 1868.  She was fifty one years and six months old.  She died in full faith of the Gospel bearing a faithful testimony and exhorting her children to be faithful to this kingdom to the end.  We mourn her loss for she was a kind mother. 

April 18, 1868 myself and husband had our sealings and anointings at the Endowment House Salt Lake City.  Our next child was a girl and was born Jan 6, 1869.  We called her name Susan after myself.  Salt Lake City June 2, 1870 myself and husband and two of our children Jacob and Susan received our patriarchal blessings under the hand of John Smith patriarch of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  We moved to Payson, Utah County, Utah in 1871 and April 27, 1872 we had another girl born.  We called her name Sarah after my husband’s mother.  June 29, 1874 we had a son born.  He died in birth.  I called his name Horace Burgess after my father.  June 20, 1875 we had another daughter born.  I called her name Almira after my mother.
In 1875 the Saints were all requested to renew their covenants by baptism.  We were rebaptized.  July 26, 1877  we had another son born I called his name Thomas after my husband’s father.  In 1878 the Relief Society of Payson was organized in four Districts.  My home is in the second District, (Payson Ward).  I was ordained and set apart under the hands of Bishop Joseph S. Tanner and council to the office of secretary of Second District (Relief Society.) which I have filled to the best of my ability.  I am now in my thirty fifth year and I never seen the moment that I doubted the truth of this Gospel and I wish to bear this testimony to my posterity that I do know that this is the kingdom of God and that Brigham Young was also a prophet of the Lord in his day and that John Taylor is a prophet also, and I earnestly entreat my posterity who may read this to be true to their covenants as long as they live that they may secure unto themselves Eternal Lives and Exaltation.  I may be sleeping in the dust when they read this, if so, remember the testimony of your mother and take her council that you may meet her in Eternity, where there is no more parting, where we may dwell through countless eternities in each other company is my earnest prayer in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Written by Susan Crandall for her children (vis.) Jacob, Susan, Sarah, Almira, and Thomas Crandall